company culture
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Corporate vision: to create a favorable environment to develop outstanding personnel, improve the first-class equipment, creating industry benchmark companies.
Enterprise mission: to do fine, so specialized, and stronger commitment to business with customers, co-suppliers, employees, society and sustainable development.
Enterprise Mission: integrity, professionalism, innovation and excellence
The spirit of enterprise: innovation, integrity, teamwork, and enterprising; caring, responsibility, professionalism and dedication.
Business philosophy: the sound operation, solidarity, innovation and sustainable development.
Business culture: to market demand-oriented and customer satisfaction as the goal.
Core values: innovative thinking, Ming integrity, through the world.
Quality concept: quality and precision, attention to detail, continuous improvement.
Service concept: customers first, focuses reputation, caring service.
Management philosophy: people-oriented, teamwork, focus on implementation, comprehensive development and common progress.
Enterprise style: active, loyal low-key.
Employing the concept: Talented assured reuse, Youde not only to cultivate the use, watching with talented non-German, non-German firm did not.
Organization mode: to enhance literacy organization, to create a learning organization.
Organizational climate: to create a fair, just and open atmosphere of the organization; follow mutual respect and equality of personality interpersonal norms.
Create an effective communication system and institutional environment; rapport with all the members of the formation of benign interaction.
Design philosophy: precision, speed; good at heart, simplicity, heavy on the line.
Cost concept: optimize resources, cut costs and eliminate waste.
Communication concept: self-cultivation, and thin bow itself responsible for others.

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Hunan-day Information Technology Co., Ltd. Haida

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